1. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends (1999)
Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends (1999) · ← Back to main · Series Cast 12 · Series Crew 7 · The Basics · Get Involved · Community · Legal · Global.
Nella storia l'incidente di Roswell era un espediente orchestrato da una organizzazione segreta nota come l'Alleanza: l'UFO altro non era che un veicolo governativo, i corpi carbonizzati degli omini verdi erano manichini e la struttura costruita in Nevada, nota come Area 51, era solo uno specchietto per le allodole volto a dare maggior risonanza all'evento e far sì che la gente vi concentrasse la sua attenzione e rimanesse invece all'oscuro dalla verità, ovvero la presenza di razze aliene che vivono sul pianeta Terra insieme agli umani, ormai da secoli. Nella serie creature come vampiri, licantropi, yeti e banshee sono infatti esseri realmente esistenti e provenienti da altri pianeti che si sono stanziati sulla Terra. Negli anni le presenze aliene sono state confuse e miticizzate dagli uomini dando luogo a leggende popolari e metropolitane, racconti mitici e folklorstici (da cui il titolo originale). L'Alleanza, nata negli anni quaranta, ha lo scopo di difendere l'umanità dalle razze aliene che ne vogliono l'annientamento (come i Licantropi) o l'assimilazione (come i Vampiri). La serie prende il via quando Nick Logan, cacciatore di taglie si trova ad avere come obbiettivo una ragazza davvero insolita: Sh'lainn Blaze, una Banshee in fuga sia dal suo popolo che dall'Alleanza. Seguendo la ragazza scopre l'esistenza degli alieni e di essere dotato della capacità di vedere oltre i loro inganni. Desideroso di giocare il suo ruolo nella difesa della Terra e scoprire la verità die...
2. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends - Full Cast & Crew
Learn more about the full cast of Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide.
Learn more about the full cast of Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide
3. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends | 90s Cartoons Wiki
Nick was raised by his stepfather never knowing at the time that his 'play time' was secret training to fight aliens. Nick is capable of seeing through alien ...
See AlsoMugshots In Waco TexasAlaska's Grizzly Gauntlet Release DateVans Bus Fun World Bonnie Burnham Hits Song Supply Shopping Six Flags SPCA Griffon Walk Swing Write Stories Buff State Angela Santomero’s Birthday Work It Out Wombats Songs From Rock & Roll 1990 Pineview Playtime Bins & Pieces The Alpha Baa Baa TwinkleSta je prvo nastalo: jezik ili nacija? (What came first: language or nation?)Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends was an American animated series produced in an "American anime" style that originally aired in 1999 as part of BKN, the syndicated cartoon programing block. The plot line revolves around the concept that aliens have been on earth a lot longer than we imagined. In fact, we used to call them such things as vampires, werewolves and the other major creatures of myth. The series follows the members of a covert organization formed to seek out and destroy t
4. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends - Apple TV
Transformers · Boboiboy: Galaxy · BoBoiBoy Movie 2 · BoBoiBoy: The Movie. Cast & Crew. EG. Eli Gabay. Actor. About. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & ...
Welcome to a tangled web of secrets and deception...The story of allied intelligence agents who've discovered extraterrestrial beings on Earth, thrivi…
5. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends Cast & Crew
Full cast and crew of the TV Show Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends.
Full cast and crew of the TV Show Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends
6. Crackerjack (2003) - (S1E21) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Alex Zahara. Nick Logan (voice) · Janyse Jaud. Sh'lainn Blaze (voice) · L. · Saffron Henderson. Nema Perrera / Queen Mab (voice) · Peter Kelamis. Simon "Fitz" ...
Logan has disappeared. Sh'Lainn, looking for his whereabouts, finds herself at a Lycanthrope's hideout in which she sees a familiar face, but appearances can be deceiving. Not only must Sh'Lain confront Ruk's pack but also avoid the Conduit's forceful recruitment attempt of a young confused Lycanthrope.
7. Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends - TheTVDB.com
Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends ... The truth isn't out there. It walks among us. The Roswell Conspiracies unravel when a group of allied ...
The truth isn't out there. It walks among us. The Roswell Conspiracies unravel when a group of allied intelligence agents discover that extraterrestrial beings are roaming the earth, stalking humans for food, sport, or even more sinister agendas. To combat the aliens, the agents form an underground, multi-national movement called The Global Alliance. Operating from a bunker in the small town of Roswell, they recruit from the elite ranks of science, law enforcement, military, and intelligence agencies, setting off on a mission to protect the Earth and its inhabitants from the alien creatures that walk among them.
8. Walter Logan - Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends Wiki
... Star Person (All Tomorrows). Alien Species · Pleiadian. Alien Species · Qu ... Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.
Walter Logan (Voiced by Dale Wilson): Nick Logan's father and someone with insider knowledge of the Alliance. He was also the founder of the Conduit and wanted humankind to peacefully coexist with the other alien races. He was kidnapped by the Shadoen posing as General Rinaker, and put into cryogenic stasis in the Omega Level of the Alliance's maximum security prison at the Bikini Atolls. Later on, he was freed by his son, Nick, and was instrumental in forging a new Alliance between humans and a